The Green Committee
The PTSA Green Committee is a newly formed committee of active, environmentally interested parents in Irvington, New York.
Parents and students involved in this group work together to create an over-arching PTSA Green Committee to promote and support good practices related to waste management and sustainability across all campuses in the Irvington School District. This work helps align district practices with values taught in our homes.
Our mission is to create a vibrant community of voices that will inspire and support the school community in making positive changes to sustain our natural environment. We will help the Irvington School District become a leader of environmental sustainability in schools.
“Environmental education provides important opportunities for students to become engaged in real world issues that transcend classroom walls. They can see the relevance of their classroom studies to the complex environmental issues confronting our planet and they can acquire the skills they’ll need to be creative problem solvers and powerful advocates.”
Join our mailing list and stay connected!
[email protected]
For more information contact our Green Committee Chair
Frances Bean
617 953 7037
Parents and students involved in this group work together to create an over-arching PTSA Green Committee to promote and support good practices related to waste management and sustainability across all campuses in the Irvington School District. This work helps align district practices with values taught in our homes.
Our mission is to create a vibrant community of voices that will inspire and support the school community in making positive changes to sustain our natural environment. We will help the Irvington School District become a leader of environmental sustainability in schools.
“Environmental education provides important opportunities for students to become engaged in real world issues that transcend classroom walls. They can see the relevance of their classroom studies to the complex environmental issues confronting our planet and they can acquire the skills they’ll need to be creative problem solvers and powerful advocates.”
Join our mailing list and stay connected!
[email protected]
For more information contact our Green Committee Chair
Frances Bean
617 953 7037
Tips for a Greener Irvington:
Help the environment. For every 10 minutes your engine is off, you'll prevent one pound of carbon dioxide from being released (carbon dioxide is the primary contributor to global warming). An EDF report shows that in New York City alone, idling cars and trucks produce 130,000 tons of carbon dioxide each year. To offset this amount of global warming pollution, we would need to plant an area the size of Manhattan with trees every single year. (Blurb from Environmental Defense Fund)
- Four ways to be idle-free:
- Turn off your ignition if you're waiting more than 10 seconds. Contrary to popular belief, restarting your car does not burn more fuel than leaving it idling. In fact, idling for just 10 seconds wastes more gas than restarting the engine.
- Warm up your engine by driving it, not by idling. Today's electronic engines do not need to warm up, even in winter. The best way to warm the engine is by easing into your drive and avoiding excessive engine revving. After just a few seconds, your vehicle is safe to drive. The vehicle's engine warms twice as quickly when driven.
- Warm up the cabin interior by driving, not idling. Easing into your drive is also the best way to get your vehicle's heating system delivering warmer air faster. Sitting in an idling car means you are breathing in more of the dirty exhaust that leaks into the car cabin. Any warmth you may get from a car heater is not worth the damage to your health. If parked and waiting, it is healthier to get out of your car and go inside a store or building.
- Protect your car engine by idling less. Frequent restarts are no longer hard on a car's engine and battery. The added wear (which amounts to no more than $10 a year) is much less costly than the cost of wasted fuel (which can add up to $70-650 a year, depending on fuel prices, idling habits and vehicle type). Idling actually increases overall engine wear by causing the car to operate for longer than it would otherwise
Join us in our work to bring out the best in Irvington schools.